Welcome to Fairfax County 4-H

Making the Best, Better!


Civic Engagement

Healthy Living


Fairfax County 4-H is a community for all

Through life-changing 4-H programs, nearly 170,000 young people in Virginia work on projects related to agriculture, civic engagement, healthy living, and STEM. We believe in young people and their strengths and influence to improve the world around us. Fairfax County 4-H offers many exciting activities for all youth ages 5 – 18 and is proud to have a strong 4-H program!

Our Programs

There are several ways for youth to participate in the Fairfax County 4-H Program.  Youth can join any of the clubs established in Fairfax County; participate in County Camp; partake in a workshop or contest; exhibit at the 4-H Fair; enjoy programs offered through our local schools; and so much more.

From robots to rabbits...

From gardening to gaming... 

Find Your Spark in 4-H!

Fairfax County 4-H is delivered by Virginia Cooperative Extension, the educational outreach organization of the commonwealth's land grant universities: Virginia Tech and Virginia State University.

March 4-H Highlight

Fair Courts and T-Shirt Design Submissions

Nominate yourself for fair court and/or submit a t-shirt design! More information is available in the form descriptions. Submissions are due by April 25.